This Week in the Universe #5

After an eventful week in WWE last week and a very entertaining Great Balls of Fire show, could the WWE keep the momentum going with SummerSlam and NXT Takeover: Brooklyn 3 on the horizon.

RAW opened with Big Cass cutting a promo gloating about his victory over Enzo the previous night and made it known he was a future Universal champion. WEELLLLL Well Big Show came out and took some issues with Cass setting up the next feud where Show putting over young 'Big' talent like3 he did with Braun Strowman. Elias Samson is in the ring to sing a song about Finn Balor and he is predictably interrupted. They have a decent match next which made Samson look good and Balor looked strong in victory. The Hardy Boyz came out after the match congratulated Balor on his victory and then after the break cutting a promo HEAVILY teasing the broken gimmick coming to WWE. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson interrupted setting up a match between the two which the good brothers won taking advantage of the Hardys being banged up. After the match The Revival came out and attacked The Hardys setting up a potentially awesome rivalry. 'The Mizzies' Award on Miz TV was very entertaining with The Miz, Maryse and The Miztourage doing a great job with an over the top heel segment. Dean Ambrose came out to attack and was eventually backed up by Seth Rollins seemingly setting up a Miz Vs Rollins IC title match for the future. Sasha Banks & Bayley Vs Alexa Bliss & Nia Jax feels like a match we have seen alot but it was still decent. Bayley pins Bliss with the deadly SNEAKY ROLL-UP! Not sure where they are going heading into SummerSlam hopefully will find out soon. Goldust beat R-Truth in a match that no one really cared about to be honest. The segment in the ring featuring Kurt Angle, Brock Lesnar, Paul Heyman, Roman Reigns and Samoa Joe was the highlight of the night for me. Everybody talked trash to each other and Lesnar told Reigns he didn't deserve SHIT which drew a huge pop from the crowd and great reactions from Heyman and Angle. Angle made Reigns Vs Joe for next week with the winner challenging Brock at Summerslam. Should be great! Cruiserweight Tag match was decent and we got to see Akira Tozawa get some BALLSY revenge on Neville. MAIN EVENT TIME! A rematch from the previous night with Seth Rollins taking on Bray Wyatt. Good promos before the match and I thought it was overall a better match too. Bray wins again going for the eye he attacked the previous night. After Bray left The Miz and Miztourage came out to get revenge on Rollins until Ambrose made the save. BUT THERE'S MORE! Just before the end of the show Kurt Angle is seen backstage talking on the phone to someone saying they will together reveal the big secret they have been teasing for weeks. Rumour has it could be Dixie Carter or Stephanie McMahon. Lets wait and see!

Following last weeks shocking US title victory for AJ Styles over Kevin Owens at a house show at Madison Square Garden, Styles opened the show saying he was going to make the US title prestigious again. He announced the AJ Styles US Open Challenge and it was answered of course by John Cena. Just as it looked like we were going to get Styles Vs Cena, Owens came out to interrupt. Rusev came out to attack Cena from behind and Owens hit Styles with a Pop-Up Powerbomb setting up the main event for the show. Jinder Mahal Vs Tye Dillinger was a decent match designed to put Mahal over heading into Battleground. Mahal said he was bringing the Punjabi Prison to Smackdown next week which is a smart way to promote the match. Xavier Woods beat Jey Uso in a quick match which was a good reminder of just how good Woods is. Shane McMahon was backstage with the women's division and announced a no.1 contenders match for Battleground. It will be Fatal 5-Way Elimination match between Becky Lynch, Charlotte Flair, Lana, Natalaya and Tamina and the winner will face the champ at SummerSlam. Shinsuke Nakamura and Baron Corbin were set for a match but it never happened as the two brawled when Corbin was on his way to the ring. Becky Lynch teamed up with Charlotte Flair against Natalaya and Tamina in a good tag match which the heels won after Lana showed up to distract Charlotte. Mike and Maria Kanellis were backstage expecting an apology from Sami Zayn. When they didn't get it Maria slapped Zayn and Mike smashed a vase over his head. NOICE!! The Fashion Files continued to be entertaining this week as they continue to figure out who trashed their office questioning The Hype Bros who themselves continued to tease their problems. MAIN EVENT TIME! Evil Foreigners Kevin Owens and Rusev take on the new US champ AJ Styles and the most American man since Hulk Hogan, John Cena. The match was a pretty good tag match with the heels doing about 90% of the work and Cena getting the win which is fair enough as he hasn't been on TV for months. Great show of respect at the end from Cena and Styles. Could we see another match between them soon?

The opening match between Akira Tozawa Vs Ariya Daivari had a really good back and forth match until Neville came out to attack Tozawa. It looks like we are heading towards another match between these two. TJP and Rich Swann continued their recent competitive rivalry by trying to beat a jobber called Mario Connors quicker than the other. The Brian Kendrick mocked Gentleman Jack Gallagher causing a brawl between the two involving umbrellas continuing their burgeoning rivalry. MAIN EVENT TIME! Finally the rivalry that seemed to never end is over! Cedric Alexander defeated Noam Dar in an I Quit match that was pretty physical. After the match Dar announced he was quitting Alicia Fox because he only used Fox to get attention and could have any women in the world he wanted.

Bobby Fish has arrived in NXT! Great opening contest between him and Alesiter Black. Fish looked great and Black continues to look like an absolute killer. The Black Mass kick always looks savage! Kassius Ohno is backstage arguing with Hideo Itami after their loss last week. Looks like we are heading towards a match between these two at Takeover. Vanessa Borne defeated Jayme Hachey in a Mae Young Classic qualifier. Can't wait for this tournament to start. Backstage William Regal and Bobby Roode talk about his next opponent. Regal sets up Drew McIntyre Vs Killian Dain in a no.1 contenders match for next week. Johnny Gargano returned to give a short but sweet promo saying he is looking to going back to be Johnny Wrestling. MAIN EVENT TIME! Authors of Pain defended the NXT Tag Titles against Heavy Machinery. Wasn't the best showing from Heavy Machinery but they are still a developing team. After the match as AOP celebrates, SAnitY still minus Eric Young show up on stage. Pages fall around them and the insinuation is that they are from the Book of Dominance that Paul Ellering read to AOP.

And that was this week in WWE! Thank you to everyone reading. What did you guys think of this weeks show? Let me know what you think in the comments!


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