Day One is H!

Announcers: Tom Phillips, JBL & Byron Saxton
Venue: SNHU Arena
Location: Manchester, NH

  • The show opens with the 'Highlight Reel' by Kevin Owens. Personally didn't think Owens needed to steal this from Chris Jericho but whatever. Owens talked about how he put Jericho on the injured list and how he was going to beat AJ Styles this Sunday at Backlash. This brings out Styles who talks about bringing the title back to the good old U...S...A! This brings out Jinder Mahal with the Singh Brothers who was ready for his match with Styles right now. I'm not sure why they couldn't have just started the show with this match rather than this promo segment which achieved nothing. Felt like it was done just because WWE has to open every show with a promo.
  • After commercial its AJ Styles Vs Jinder Mahal with Kevin Owens doing guest commentary. I though the match was decent even though alot of people I know didn't. Jinder is continuing to do great work as a devious heel and his running knee attack continues to look vicious as hell! Styles bumped around the ring like a mad man as he is one of the best sellers in the business. Owens was entertaining as always on commentary but was doing a great job of putting the match over too. The finish comes when the Singh Brothers distract the referee long enough for Owens to hit Styles in the knee with the US title. Mahal takes advantage hitting Styles with the Cobra Clutch slam for the win. Mahal winning using heel tactics makes perfect sense to me.
  • Lana got another coming soon video package. As did The New Day later on. Kinda getting bored of these now.
  • The Fashion Files returns and once again it is absolutely hilarious. Breezango mock Baron Corbin and Sami Zayn's attire before moving onto The Uso shirt asking themselves what does Day One Is H mean?! They talk about winning the Smackdown Tag titles at Backlash and that this Sunday their Day One will be H! They end with a high five freeze frame. Brilliant!

  • WWE Champion Randy Orton was interviewed backstage about Jinder Mahal. Orton says Jinder thinks people don't like him because he's different, but the truth is people don't like him because he's an ass. Simple but effective.
  • Next up is Breezango Vs The Colon Brothers. Like last week this was a short match designed to put over Breezango before their title shot Sunday. Fandango gets the win on Epico after a Falcon Arrow. A move I always appreciate! The Usos came down and did another great promo on Breezango. They read Breezango their rights in a very clever and creative way. I've been really impressed with what these two teams have done the last few weeks. I really hope they are given the chance at Backlash Sunday to have a great match.
  • Shane McMahon is out next for a contract signing for Sundays 6 woman tag match. 'The Welcoming Commitee' come out followed by the team of Charlotte, Becky Lynch and Naomi. They all said stuff to put over what they would do to the other team Sunday. Nothing particular new. The only amusing stand out was James Ellsworth suggesting that Becky and Charlotte were interested in him. He then tells Naomi its only a matter of time til Carmella takes her title. This starts a brawl which Shane uses to make a match between Naomi and Carmella.
  • Back from commercial and the non title match between Naomi and Carmella is under way. This wasn't good at all. These two just didn't really click in my opinion. Carmella continues to be a really good annoying heel character but Naomi is a far better athlete in my opinion. The finish comes when the referee starts sending members of 'The Welcoming Commitee' away from ringside causing a brawl between Becky, Charlotte, Tamina and Natalya. During the distraction Carmella utilises the SNEAKY ROLL-UP on Naomi for the win. The most deadliest of moves in WWE!
  • Dolph Ziggler is backstage in the locker room. Dolph appears to be showing us some footage of what Shinsuke Nakamura has done so far in WWE but there is no footage because he hasn't done anything yet! Dolph shows us instead a video of all of his accomplishments and the tells us he is going to beat Nakamura before he even gets started. Good stuff from Dolph again. Watching that video its still a wonder why Dolph has never been the main event player he clearly is capable of being.
  • Sami Zayn is backstage being interviewed. He says he requested a match with Baron Corbin at Backlash and that has been granted. Zayn says he is a dangerous to someone like Corbin because Zayn can't be kept down. Corbin obviously didn't like what he heard because he attacks Zayn from behind. Corbin tells Zayn he will learn to stay down. This should be a good match at Backlash.
  • MAIN EVENT TIME! Randy Orton Vs Baron Corbin. This was a pretty slow match which the crowd didn't seem all that into to be honest. The highlight for me was Corbin's trash talk particular when he told Orton 'They like you, which is why I'm hurting you.' The finish comes when Baron slides out of the ring and runs back in to eat an RKO OUTTA NOWHERE! IT ONLY TAKES ONE!! Randy gets the pin but not long after Jinder Mahal comes out to confront Randy. While this is happening the Singh Brothers attack Randy from behind. Mahal joins them in the ring for a 3-on-1 beatdown which ends with Randy with the Cobra Clutch slam. The show ends with Mahal posing with the WWE title.
And that was Smackdown! Overall I didn't think it was a very good show at all. Certainly not the heights of the show the past few weeks. But as a go home show to hype Backlash it did that job at least. I'll have my predictions for Backlash this Sunday as well as my thoughts on NXT Takeover: Chicago and the WWE UK Championship special. Until then thanks for reading!


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