This week in the Universe!

This week I'm doing some different to what I normally do. As I've caught alot of WWE these past few days I have decided to cover my thoughts on the shows I've seen this week all in this blog!

First I'm going to talk about WWE Monday Night Raw. Following what I thought was a really good Extreme Rules event I though Raw this week was overall very good. Like many Raw's there was alot of short matches but a couple of good long matches. The segment with Samoa Joe & Paul Heyman was excellent and ranks right up there with the 'Festival of Friendship' as the best non wrestling segment of the year so far. Samoa Joe looked like a legit badass and I can't wait to see what happens when Brock Lesnar shows up next week. The matches between Bray Wyatt/Roman Reigns & Samoa Joe/Seth Rollins were very good even if we have seen it several times before. Looks like we are getting a Wyatt/Rollins feud which I'm fine with. No Finn Balor, Hardy Boyz or Bayley which was strange to me. The Miz/Dean Ambrose segment was entertaining especially when Miz put the fans down for chanting 'You Deserve It' to anyone who wins a belt. The mystery storylines involving Angle/Graves and the Enzo/Cass attackers continue to be interesting and hopefully will have a good conclusion.

WWE Smackdown Live was also really good this week. Generally I actually though it was a really good week for WWE! All the matches on Smackdown were good particularly the main event between Shinsuke Nakamura and Kevin Owens. Nakamura pinned Owens for the third time which SHOULD set up a future title shot for him. Baron Corbin go to lay out Sami Zayn again and even managed to stand tall at the end of the show taking out Nakamura. AJ Styles and Dolph Ziggler had another good match after last week and it made sense AJ would get the win because WWE love their 50/50 booking! The Fashion Files with Breezango and  The New Day was entertaining as you would expect this week when those two teams are involved. I also really liked The Usos heel promo on the New Day. They seem to be knocking it out the park recently. Lana finally made her debut and after costing Naomi her match on Smackdown, she gets a title match at Money in the Bank. Will be interesting to see how well Lana does after spending alot of time recently working NXT live events.

This week was the first time I watched WWE 205 Live and I was pretty impressed with that I saw. The main event between Neville and TJP for the Cruiserweight title was really good in my opinion. Both men seemed to work really well together and that showed when they were given the time to showcase their skills. The last few minutes of the match really had me going as TJP came close to causing something of an upset. Neville is truly on another level right now though. Long may his reign continue! Cedric Alexander Vs Noam Dar was an OK opening match. Hopefully both men will move on to different things now especially as a new no.1 contender will need to be crowned. Mustafa Ali Vs Louis Valle was a typical squash match. I really enjoyed Ali's match with Neville on Raw a few weeks ago and I like this story he has going on with Drew Gulak at the moment. Gulak's 'anti-flying' gimmick definietly stands out on a show that features alot of high flying!

WWE NXT was very eventful this week as the build begins towards the next Takeover event in Brooklyn. I really enjoy watching Heavy Machinery and it looks like they could be building up to a match with AOP for the tag titles which I would be very much on board with. Bobby Roode and Roderick Strong gave some great promos. Roode Vs Strong is one of many potential NXT title matches right now! Hideo Itami Vs Oney Lorcan was a hard hitting affair and it looks like Itami is heading towards a heel turn because the face side of NXT right now is very crowded we need more top heels! No Way Jose Vs Killian Dain was a fine main event. I'm a big fan of both guys and hope for nothing but the best for them. It was a very eventful night for the women too. Thea Trinidad made her NXT debut slapping Andrade Almas in disgust. We saw Peyton Royce defeat Sarah Logan which is the new name for Indy star Crazy Mary Dobson. And we found out next week Asuka will defend the NXT Women's title in an elimination match against Nikki Cross and Ruby Riot. FANTASTIC!!

And that's it for my blog this week. Thank you for reading, let me know what you though of the blog and what you though of this week in WWE in the comments.


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