Go Home or Make History!

Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves & Booker T
Location: Greenville, SC
Venue: Bon Secours Wellness Arena

  • RAW opens as every WWE TV show seems to open these days with an in-ring promo. SPOILER Smackdown does the same! The Miz and Maryse host Miz TV and their guests were Sheamus and Cesaro. Typical stuff with the heels running down their babyface opponents for Extreme Rules until Dean Ambrose and The Hardy Boyz run down to set up a match. Its getting so predictable now its beyond a joke!
  • Dean Ambrose & The Hardy Boyz Vs Sheamus, Cesaro & The Miz with Maryse was immediately after the break. This was a decent match with a few weird spots but generally good. I don't see why they couldn't have just started the show with this match. Anyway the finish comes when Jeff Hardy hits the Swanton Bomb on The Miz for the 3 count. The Hardys continue their winning ways since returning building momentum for the Steel Cage match at Extreme Rules.
  • After the match the announcers were talking but Corey Graves was distracted by something on his phone. He left the table and after the break we saw him talking to Kurt Angle backstage about the message he received. The message was saying Angle was a disgrace and an embarrassment to WWE! Graves said he wanted to help Angle anyway he could and Angle said 'This could ruin me'. Interesting to see where this goes!
  • The jobbers return. 'The Drifter' Elias Samson took on Zac Evans in a SQUASH match. Samson did some more singing before his match and seems to be doing a really good job generating heat. I really hope it works out for him.
  • Promos backstage from Samoa Joe & Bray Wyatt hyping up their upcoming matches. Solid stuff from both guys but nothing they haven't said before.
  • Next up is Bray Wyatt Vs Samoa Joe Vs Finn Balor. Really good match that went for nearly 20 minutes. All 3 are talented and worked really well together. We saw the predictable heels teaming up on the face and then turning on each other section we tend to get in these multi-man matches but it was done well enough. Lots of believable near-falls as it was quite hard to predict who was going to win. Samoa Joe got the win after taking advantage of Finn Balor hitting Bray Wyatt with the Coupe de Grace. Clever finish which makes Joe look like a opportunist. Bray loses again but that's nothing new sadly.
  • Seth Rollins backstage talking about his match with Roman Reigns tonight. He says he owns Reigns and is ready for Extreme Rules. Time will tell.
  • After the break its Noam Dar with Alica Fox Vs Rich Swann with Sasha Banks. They announced it was going to be a mix tag at Extreme Rules between Dar/Fox & Swann/Banks. Please let this be the end of this nonsense. These 4 should be doing so much better! Swann won and I along with the crowd could not care!
  • The Revival are backstage talking about last weeks attack on Enzo Amore. The footage of them leaving the locker room before Enzo was found was shown and Dawson defended them saying they have been there every week and it wasn't them. The Revival left and it cuts back to the announce table with Corey Graves saying it was footage that Big Cass would want to see. After a 205live recap Big Cass showed up getting into Graves face about what he said. Graves defended himself saying he was just giving Angle information. Cass seemed to calm down and shook Graves hand. I might be reading too much into this but Graves joked last week he wanted to shake the hand of whoever attacked Enzo. The Revival is an OK choice to be revealed as the attacker but it would be SO cool if it turned out to be Big Cass.
  • Titus O'Neil with Apollo Crews Vs Kalisto is up next. And it just kinda happens. O'Neil wins which is a rarity for him in about 2 minutes! After the match O'Neil and Crews pose for another post match selfie. Just put these two together as a heel tag team already! Oh and put Kalisto in the cruiserweight division please. They are doing nothing with him right now.
  • After the break Raw Women's champion Alexa Bliss presents Bayley 'This is Your Life'. Jesus wept this was awful. This was the worst promo I've seen since 'The Old Day' stuff with Gallows & Anderson last year. It was awful from start to finish. Alexa is a great talker but she could do nothing to make this segment any good. Bayley shows up after what seems like forever and attacks Bliss. She tries to go for the kendo stick but fails and instead gets hit again in the back with a kendo stick. Awful just awful!
  • Backstage we see that Enzo Amore has been attacked again. Big Cass and Kurt Angle show up and Cass is convinced its The Revival. Angle told Cass he would look into it but Cass said he wouldn't be leaving Enzos side now. I wouldn't mind if it turned out to be The Revival but I REALLY REALLY hope it turns out to be Big Cass!
  • Jack Gallagher & Austin Aries Vs Neville & TJP is next. This is a match we have seen SO many times now and it really was more of the same. The crowd didn't really care and its not surprising when we have seen this match so many times. The only surprise came in the finish where Aries got Neville to tap out to the Last Chancery. This was the first time Neville had tapped out since joining the cruiserweight division and plays well heading into their submission match at Extreme Rules.
  • Roman Reigns is interviewed about his match with Seth Rollins coming up. Reigns says no man owns him and this his yard. Simple but effective.
  • Goldust did another great 'Shattered Dreams Production' promo talking about R-Truth. Goldust said the ending of this story wouldn't be happy or sad, it would be.....GOOOLLDEEENNN. R-Truth responded with a 'Truth Be Told Production' quoting Sam Jackson's Pulp Fiction character Jules Winnfield alot. He ended by saying Goldust was gonna get got! This was pretty entertaining and hopefully won't be a total waste in the end.
  • MAIN EVENT TIME! Seth Rollins Vs Roman Reigns. This was a great match which should come as no surprise considering how well these two know each other. This was a really good back and forth with both men starting slow to a frantic finish that the crowd was really into. After about 20 minutes Reigns avoided the knee strike from Rollins and hit the spear for the win. Surprised not to see Wyatt, Joe or Balor get involved to build up some more towards Extreme Rules as the match just happened and that was it. 
And that was RAW. A really weird go home show. In the ring we had two really good matches and a decent 6 man tag match combined with two really uninspiring cruiserweight matches. Decent promos from Goldust and R-Truth and two intriguing mystery storylines which could result in Kurt Angle getting back in the ring and Big Cass turning heel. And then that This is Your Life nonsense. Poor Alexa and Bayley. I really hope they can deliver something good at Extreme Rules from the garbage they have been given!

Announcers: Tom Phillips, JBL & Byron Saxton
Location: Atlanta, GA
Venue: Phillips Arena

  • Smackdown starts with the Kevin Owens 'Highligh Reel'. Owens talks about winning the Money in the Bank Ladder match something the former host of the Highlight Reel, Chris Jericho never did. His guest is Shinsuke Nakamura who comes out to a huge ovation. Before Nakamura speaks he is interrupted by Baron Corbin. Corbin says no one cares about Nakamura and he has some highlights for Owens. We see a replay of Corbin destroying Sami Zayn. Owens tells Corbin he isn't impressed as he has been beating up Zayn for 15 years. Nakamura reminds Owens he pinned him last week and tells Corbin he didn't show the highlights of Zayn beating him twice! This leads to attack on Nakamura by Corbin and Owens which brings out Zayn to even the odds. Guess what happens next??
  • After the break we have a tag match. Sami Zayn & Shinsuke Nakamura Vs Baron Corbin & Kevin Owens. SHOCKER! At least its a fresh match up and it was a good tag match. Zayn took a beating from Owens and Corbin for the majority of the match until he gets the hot tag to Nakamura. Owens and Corbin argue after Owens accidentally hits Corbin. Corbin gets take out of the match by Zayn which leads to Owens taking the Kinshasa from Nakamura for the pin. Nakamura pins Owens for the second week in a row which leads to an announcement later on for a match between the two next week. It wasn't announced for the US title but it would be cool if it was as we wont get a US title match at Money in the Bank.
  • The Usos come to the ring talking about all the teams they have beaten on Smackdown. This brings out The New Day. They have an entertaining back and forth which leads to an announcement that The New Day will challenge the Usos for the Smackdown Tag titles at Money in the Bank. I'm disappointed New Day have just been given this match rather than earning it like others have recently. Should be a good match anyway.
  • The Fashion Files returned! This week was more black and white film noir than the Law & Order parody they usually do. The Fashion Police Department has been torn apart! There is a funny moment where both Fandango and Tyler Breeze realise they can talk to each other in their heads. They find a clue which is a bottle of cologne which leads to a match they have later on.
  • Next up is the 5-Way Elimination match between Charlotte Flair, Carmella, Tamina, Natalaya & Becky Lynch. The winner would face Naomi for the Smackdown Women's title at Money in The Bank. The match never officially started as a brawl began before the referee could ring the bell. They all brawl around the ring which was really intense and brutal. I especially enjoyed Becky Lynch sending Carmella into the timekeepers area and running across the barricade hitting her with a forearm. And of course the moonsault from Charlotte onto Natalya and Tamina on the outside. The brawl ends when Charlotte powerbombs Natalya through the announce table drawing a big pop from the crowd. Shane McMahon came out amazed with what he had seen and decided to make a huge announcement. On June 18th we would see the 5 women compete in the first ever Women's Money in the Bank. The crowd popped huge for this and you could see all the women smiling. About damn time! This is huge! 
  • Next up is Breezango Vs The Colons. GET IT! Because they found Cologne!! Brilliant...I think. Anyways this is an entertaining comedy match that ends with Tyler Breeze winning with the Unprettier.
  • AJ Styles is backstage talking about he is looking to build momentum towards Money in the Bank. Dolph Ziggler shows up to remind Styles he has won the MITB match and cashed in to become champion. This is building up to their match tonight which should be QUALITY!!
  • Randy Orton came out to talk about his WWE Championship rematch with Jinder Mahal. He talked about the greats he has beaten like Mick Foley, Shawn Michaels and The Undertaker. He talked about his father and grand-father saying its in his blood. He said Mahal hadn't earned his respect and the only thing he has earned is a good old fashioned American, Orton Family ass-kicking! He says he's going to beat Mahal in his hometown and become a 14 time WWE Champion. Jinder Mahal's music hit and instead of coming out he appears on the titantron standing with the Singh brothers in front of the Indian flag. Jinder says Orton is another ignorant American form a bygone era. He claims Orton is the past and Mahal is the future. Good exchange from these two and Orton delivered one of his best promos for a while.
  • MAIN EVENT TIME!! AJ Styles Vs Dolph Ziggler. Great match I really enjoyed this. Lots of great counter wrestling and selling like you would expect from these two. They got less time than Reigns Vs Rollins on Raw but I think this match was better as a fast paced TV main event. Ziggler wins with the superkick after knocking Styles off the ropes when he attempted a Phenomenal forearm. The show was in Styles home state so that could be why he lost but I think Ziggler could use a big win as he hasn't had one for a while. I don't think Ziggler will win at MITB but at the moment it could be anyone!
And that was Smackdown Live! I thought this was a really good show. Two great matches and two segments setting up some huge matches for the next PPV. Orton delivered one of his better promos for quite some time showing a bit more of a symphatetic side that we haven't seen in him. I'm really excited about how good MITB has the potential to be and we already know its going to be historic with the first ever womens MITB ladder match.

And that's it for this week! Thanks for reading, but before I go I'm going to quickly give my predictions for Sundays WWE Extreme Rules PPV.

Fatal 5-Way Extreme Rules Match - Bray Wyatt Vs Finn Balor Vs Roman Reigns Vs Samoa Joe Vs Seth Rollins: This should be an amazing match! Hard to call but I'm going with my heart and saying I want Finn to win.
Intercontinental Title Match -  Dean Ambrose (c) Vs The Miz: These two tend to work well together and I hope they do again. I think Ambrose will retain and both will move on.
Kendo Stick-on-a-pole Match for the Raw Women's Title - Alexa Bliss (c) Vs Bayley: I really hope they can deliver something good and I believe Bliss will retain but we will see Bayley get a little extreme.
Steel Cage Match for the Raw Tag Titles - The Hardy Boyz (c) Vs Sheamus & Cesaro: This should be a really fun and brutal match. I'm going with Sheamus & Ceasro to win and become new tag champs!
Submission Match for the Cruiserweight Title - Neville (c) Vs Austin Aries: This could very well steal the show! I'm gonna go with Aries to become the new champ in the one.
Rich Swann & Sasha Banks Vs Noam Dar & Alicia Fox: Swann & Banks to win. I don't care. Please end this!!

That's all the matches for now but they might announce something soon as they don't have a kick off show match yet. Anyways what did you guys think of this weeks shows? And what do you think will happen at Extreme Rules? Let me know in the comments!


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