WWE Smackdown Summary: May 2nd 2017

Announcers: Tom Phillips, JBL & Byron Saxton
Venue: Save Mart Center
Location: Frenso, CA

  • Before the show intro we see Jinder Mahal having a photoshoot with the WWE title. Outrageous heel actics. Shane McMahon appears taking the belt to give it back to Randy Orton. Shane books Jinder Mahal Vs Sami Zayn for Smackdown which makes sense as Zayn was the one who got pinned in the 6-pack challenge.
  •  After the intro Shane McMahon came out and introduced the new United States champion Chris Jericho who gets a great reaction. Y2J says this is now the 'Show of Jericho' which bring out AJ Styles. AJ mentions 'Y2AJ' and their history from last year. Owens comes out and runs down everyone in the ring while the crowd chants 'You Tap Out!'. Owens told AJ to get out of his ring, which he did and brawled on the ramp. This made the announcement from Shane that AJ will be banned from the main event between Y2J and Owens for the US title.

  •  Sami Zayn comes out as we are shown a recap of last weeks attack from Baron Corbin on Talking Smack resulting in Baron being suspended. Out comes Jinder Mahal with the Singh Brothers for their match up. This was a good wrestling match. Jinder is a decent worker who is continuing to shine with his recent push and obviously Zayn is one of the best in the world. Zayn does typically great Zayn babyface work selling being beaten up and Jinder is getting all the heat from the crowd like a good heel should. His running kee strike is savage! The finish happens after the Singh brothers distract Zayn allowing Jinder to hit the cobra slam for the pin. This alliance is being booked to look dastardly which is exactly what you want from your heel group.
  • We see Becky Lynch backstage and she bumps into 'The Welcoming Committee' which is an awful name they keep using! Natalya and Carmella are trying to convince Becky to join their group and after not being interested at first, she says she will think about it. Interesting.
  • We see a Shinsuke Nakamura hype video. It cuts back to Dolph and a few randoms watching on a TV. Dolph is running down Shinsuke and the Smackdown management while Shane is behind him. Dolph tells Shane to watch his match tonight with Sin Cara and see what he does.
  • Aiden English is in the ring and once again he does some amazing singing referring to himself as the Drama King. Tye Dillinger interrupts him which irks Aiden greatly. The match is short with Tye winning with a different variation of his Tyebreaker finisher. After the match Tye is celebrating while Aiden is in the ring throwing a tantrum crying. 

  • Backstage Chris Jericho is being interviewed backstage by Renee Young. Aiden English walks by still upset and Chris talks Aiden up before deciding to put him on the list. Then he puts Renee on the list because why not!
  • Charlotte was interviewed backstage but it wasn't long before Natalaya, Carmella and Tamina showed up to attack. They beat her down putting her in jepoardy for the upcoming tag match.
  • Naomi makes her way to the ring but theres no sign of Charlotte. Natalaya and Carmella come out flanked by Tamina and James Ellsworth. The match starts 2-on-1 as the heels had hoped. Entertaining bit where Naomi and Carmella trade kicks but Naomi's are more powerful. Natalaya takes over slamming Naomi's head into the steel steps and they double team her for a bit. Carmella is great at being an irritating heel. Charlotte makes her way to the ring battered getting a huge ovation when she gets the hot tag. Natalaya takes back control of the match with a spinning clothesline. This match goes longer than I expected which is good. Naomi gets tagged in and comes in like a house on fire. Distractions from the outside cause Carmella to get the sneaky roll up for the win on Naomi. Post match all the heels get in and attack Naomi and Charlotte. Becky Lynch comes out and it looks like for a moment she is joining the heels. Then just as she goes to hug Ellsworth she throws him into the heels and starts attacking swerving them. Eventually Becky gets knock down and the heel group looks dominant.

  • Jesus Christ Sin Cara looks weird! What is it with him and Kalisto getting these weird new outfits?? The match between him and Dolph was more competitive than I expected. I thought it would be a squash match. Instead we got some great high flying action from Sin Cara and a great surprising show of strength at one point. Ziggler shows his superior wrestling ability and gets the win after a superkick. Just. Like. That.
  • We got New Day and Lana promos throughout the night hyping up them up. All still coming soon. Wonder who will debut first??
  • Next up we get Tyler Breeze and Fandango in a FANTASTIC promo that...well I can't do it justice! Just watch this!!

  • MAIN EVENT TIME!! Chris Jericho Vs Kevin Owens for the United States title. Another great match between these two perhaps the best out of the three they have had in the past month. The match is face paced for most of it which is a testament to shape Jericho is in right now. Jericho goes after the hand he injured at Payback before takes control knocking him down with an elbow smash and a cannonball on the outside. Twice Jericho gets Owens in the Walls of Jericho and both times Owens barely makes it to the topes. Owens delivers a superkick to the outside then drops Jericho with a DDT on the ramp. Jericho is never able to recover from that and is pinned after a Pop-up Powerbomb. Owens is now a 2 time US champion. The post match attack from Owens we all saw coming ends with a brutal smash into the turnbuckle post while a steel chair is wrapped around Jericho's face.
So all in all another good show. Smackdown continues to deliver good to great main event matches and we got a lot of great character and story development much like Raw this week. More Fashion police please! What did you guys think? Let me know in the comments. Thank you for reading and I'll be back soon!


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