
Showing posts from 2017

Fave Five WWE Matches of 2017

2017 is coming to an end which means its time as always to look back on the year that was. Questionable booking decisions and storylines aside no one can deny its been a quality year of action in WWE. Whether it was on PPV, TV or a network exclusive tournament, 2017 gave us a number of memorable matches. Here I am going to list my five favourite matches from WWE this year which I think are all worthy of being called match of the year. 1. Seth Rollins Vs Triple H (w/Stephanie McMahon) - Unsanctioned Match (Wrestlemania 33) Say what you will about Triple H, when it comes to Wrestlemania matches from a presentation point of view he always brings it. The awesome promo package before hand featuring Metallica and the epic entrances really set the stage for this anything goes grudge match. This was a classic bout between one super cool evil heel with his wife helping him out going against the constantly resilient babyface who is desperately trying to overcome the odds. Rollins was comi

This Week in The Universe #17 I WOZ THERE!!

This week's post a little different because as suggested by the title I was at the Raw, Smackdown & 205Live in Manchester! This was the first time I went to a live WWE TV taping so not surprisingly I was very excited!! After some decent taped matches for Main Event, RAW starts with Miz TV with special guest GM Kurt Angle. The Miz had a pretty mixed reaction and not surprisingly Angle got a huge pop from the crowd. This felt like it went really wrong but ultimately Miz insinuated Angle purposely got Daniel Bryan beaten up Kane last week and Angle didn't like that putting Miz in a match with Braun Strowman that night! First match of the night was a guitar on a pole match between Elias & Jason Jordan. Elias cut a great heel promo before hand running down Manchester's own Oasis. Jordan gets the win smacking the Guitar on Elias's back. SQUASH MATCH TIME! Asuka quickly defeated Stacy Coates who wrestles in the UK as Isla Dawn. After the match Alicia Fox named Asuk

This Week in The Universe #16

Raw began with GM Kurt Angle in the ring addressing the majority of the Raw roster on the stage. He is interrupted by the return of Raw Commissioner Stephanie McMahon. Pretty decent reaction for her as she came down to lay the blame on Kurt for last weeks #UnderSiege events. Steph said Kurt would be captaining Team Raw in the Survivor Series match and that she expects victory....OR ELSE!! The first match of the night is Bayley Vs Nia Jax with Captain Alicia Fox watching on. Nia wins in a match we've seen a hundred times and Fox announces that Jax is on her team. Smart move! As they are leaving the music of SAMOA JOE hits and he's back baby! Joe cut a promo dissing the fans before destroying Apollo Crews in an easy win and then Titus O'Neil after the match. Very good match next as The Miz defended his IC Title against Matt Hardy. This was a really competitive match with both guys getting near falls and Miz in particular kicking out at the last possible moment. Miz wins

This Week in The Universe #15

Kurt Angle started Raw this week thanking the fans for their support at TLC. He also announced 4 champion Vs champion matches for Survivor Series as well as a men's and women's elimination matches. The Miz came down along with Curtis Axel and The Bar saying Angle didn't belong in a WWE ring. Seth Rollins & Dean Ambrose came to back up Kurt who announced a 6 man tag match for right now. The Miz teaming up with The Bar against Rollins, Ambrose and AJ Styles who decided to stick around for another night! This was a really enjoyable match and one of my favourite matches on Raw this year. Reminds me of the days during the peak of The Shield when they were involved in a number of long 6 man tag matches. AJ fits in easily with Ambrose & Rollins which is no surprise because he is one of the best performers in the world. The heels did a great job of isolating Ambrose and then Rollins leading to some great hot tag sequences. Styles got the win on Cesaro after about 2

A Bell 2 Bell Review: WWE Tables Ladders and Chairs 2017

 WWE Tables Ladders & Chairs 2017 Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Booker T, Vic Joseph & Nigel McGuiness Location: Minneapolis. MN Venue: Target Center The show kicks off with the much anticipated main roster debut of Asuka against Emma. Great to see Emma on a PPV! I've been so excited for the debut of Asuka more than any NXT call up. Crowd sounds just as hyped as me! It's a sad fact they pointed out on commentary this is Emma's first singles match on WWE PPV. Fun back and forth action to start the show until Emma counters an ankle lock attempt and slams Asuka against the barricade taking control. Emma using this opportunity to really up her intensity in this match that she has lacked recently. Slapping Asuka is a big mistake as Asuka retaliates with a Knee strike to Emma's face. Asuka gets in some strikes but Emma comes back with a strike of her own. Asuka has Emma in a vicious looking ankle lock before dropping her with a brutal Germ

This Week in The Universe #14

Apologies for the lack of updates recently. Personal life has got in the way of wrestling and writing but I am back for this week! RAW kicked off with GM Kurt Angle hyping up the Tables Ladders & Chairs PPV. None of that matters though because The Shield is back! The Music, The Gear and The Entrance! Good golly! Reigns, Rollins & Ambrose looked on fire and the crowd was super hot throughout. The Miz, Sheamus & Cesaro and Braun Strowman come out to interrupt and Angles warns them all off before a fight breaks out. Elias, Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson had a funny segment before being interrupted by Jason Jordan, Apollo Crews & Titus O'Neil. The 6 got into a tag match which was decent and Apollo got the win on Anderson with his spinning powerbomb finisher which still doesn't have a name. Crews Control obviously! Cedric Alexander & Jack Gallagher had a quick match designed to set up a tag match for TLC between Cedric/Rich Swann & Gallagher/Brian Ken

WWE No Mercy 2017 Review

WWE No Mercy 2017 Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Booker T & Vic Joseph Location: Los Angeles, CA Venue: The Staples Center A solid match to kick off the show with the 7-time Intercontinental champion The Miz defending against Jason Jordan. Miz had The Miztourage Bo Dalls & Curtis Axel with him at ringside who proved very useful to the champion. Crowd was hot for The Miz because he is billed as from LA these days. Dallas & Axel provided a distraction to help Miz get an early advantage working over Jordan's mid-section with the 'It' Kicks. Jordan manages to catch Miz charging at him in the corner and starts throwing him around with various suplexes. Jordan's hits his awesome looking multiple Northern Lights Suplexes but only gets 2. Jordan looks to be going for the finish but Dallas is on the turnbuckle. Jordan knocks him down and while the ref is distratced, Axel blasts Jordan and is met by a Skull Crushing Finale from The Miz for th

This Week in The Universe #13

For the second week in a row RAW opens with a match! Good stuff!! Roman Reigns defeated Jason Jordan in a decent match that was a really good way to kick off the show. Jordan looked good in defeat and once again those double Northern Lights Suplexes are very impressive. I think this match was better than the Cena one last week as Reigns can work a faster pace than Cena. After the match Cena came out and had another verbal bout with Reigns. Reigns said that WWE doesn't need Cena anymore and Cena said Reigns like a drug test isn't getting pass him. YIKES!! I can't wait to see them destroy each other at No Mercy. Sasha Banks took on Emma next and beat her easily. *sighs* Just let Emma have one win will you! Universal Champion Brock Lesnar and his advocate Paul Heyman came out and Heyman does his usual magical promo work selling us on the match between Brock & Braun Strowman at No Mercy. Heyman challenges Braun to come out which he does and the fight is on! After a

This Week in The Universe #12

This Week RAW opened with a match! GOOD GRIEF! And a pretty decent match too. Jason Jordan continued his recent trend of asking for tough opponents and here he faced John Cena. While there was never any doubt that Cena would win, Jordan got in some believable offence that he could pull off the upset. After Cena shook his hand, Roman Reigns came down and continued his war of words his started with Cena last week. More of the same trash talking from last week and although they are both booked at faces it feels like Reigns is coming across more like a heel. They haven't brawled yet and hopefully they don't til No Mercy. Sheamus & Cesaro beat Rhyno & Heath Slater in about a minute. Sheamus & Cesaro are getting a rematch for the Tag Titles at No Mercy so makes sense for them to win. The Miz defended the Intercontinental title against Jeff Hardy in a pretty good match. Its only a matter of time before Jeff goes single full time and it was nice to see a title defe