This Week in The Universe #13

For the second week in a row RAW opens with a match! Good stuff!! Roman Reigns defeated Jason Jordan in a decent match that was a really good way to kick off the show. Jordan looked good in defeat and once again those double Northern Lights Suplexes are very impressive. I think this match was better than the Cena one last week as Reigns can work a faster pace than Cena. After the match Cena came out and had another verbal bout with Reigns. Reigns said that WWE doesn't need Cena anymore and Cena said Reigns like a drug test isn't getting pass him. YIKES!! I can't wait to see them destroy each other at No Mercy. Sasha Banks took on Emma next and beat her easily. *sighs* Just let Emma have one win will you! Universal Champion Brock Lesnar and his advocate Paul Heyman came out and Heyman does his usual magical promo work selling us on the match between Brock & Braun Strowman at No Mercy. Heyman challenges Braun to come out which he does and the fight is on! After a quick brawl Lesnar delivers a German suplex which Strowman pops right up staring Brock in the face who looks stunned! The crowd chant 'Holy Shit!' as Braun hits a chokelsam and then a running powerslam. Braun stands over Brock with his foot on Brock's chest and holding the Universal Title up high. Damn I hope Braun wins at No Mercy! Bray Wyatt beat Goldust in a match between a couple of weirdos. After the match Bray had a white towel and wiped the face paint off to huge boos. This brought out Finn Balor making Bray bail. Hoping for a good match between these two at No Mercy. The match between Gallows & Anderson and Sheamus & Cesaro didn't happen as a brawl between them and the tag champs Ambrose & Rollins broke out. The match was set up for later with Gallows & Anderson teaming up with Sheamus & Cesaro against Ambrose & Rollins and a partner of their choosing. We got a video saying that Asuka is coming to RAW. HYPE!! Elias beat Kalisto after another great song before the match telling Anaheim they suck! Next was the match I thought would be the main event between John Cena & Braun Strowman. Braun looked very strong in this match and Cena was made to look very weak which was a bit of a surprise. The match ends in a DQ after Strowman uses steel steps twice on Cena. Seriously...give Braun the title! Miz TV began with The Miz and Maryse announcing that they are having their first child! Awesome news. That is going to be one beautiful well dressed baby! Enzo Amore is the guest on Miz TV and is TORN to shreds by Miz in a real dressing down. This lead to a match between Miz and Enzo which ends in Miz and the Miztourage rightfully beating the crap out of Enzo when he keeps talking shit about Maryse. I really don't like Enzo at the moment. I hope Neville destroys him at No Mercy! MAIN EVENT TIME! The Hardy Boyz joined forces with Rollins & Ambrose to take on the heel teams of Gallows & Anderson and Sheamus & Cesaro in a really enjoyable match. The Hardys, Rollins & Ambrose were so over with the crowd in this match it was great. The heels did a great job of trying to put Ambrose down but he kept fighting them off. Rollins got the hot tag and flew around the ring like he always does. The Hardys hit Twist of Fates on Gallows which Sheamus & Cesaro decided was enough for them and left. Rollins got the pin on Anderson after Ambrose hit the Dirty Deeds. Fun match to end the show!

The first of 3 live shows on Tuesday night in Las Vegas! Kevin Owens opened the show and laid out his plans for WWE once he runs the show after suing the company for what happened last week. GM Daniel Bryan came out to tell Owens that he maybe having fun now but wont like what Mr McMahon has to say to him tonight! AJ Styles defended the US title against Tye Dillinger in a fun fast paced match. Tye had some moments where he looked like he could pull off the win but in the end had no choice but to tap out to an expertly applied Calf Crusher by AJ. After the match Baron Corbin came down attacking both men and announced he would be AJ's challenger next week. Rusev backstage announced he was going to break a legend......interesting! WWE Champion Jinder Mahal came out with The Singh Brothers to mock Shinsuke Nakamura. It was a bit racist I thought but I get the point that Jinder is trying to make about American fans turning against foreign stars. I was surprised Shinsuke didn't interrupt and I was very surprised he didn't show up on the show at all. The New Day took on The Usos in a Sin City Street Fight for the Tag Titles which OF COURSE was brilliant! They have had an incredible series of matches so far and they really went to town on each other with chairs, kendo sticks and a table spot. New Day won to once again become champions and I hope they have a final match to end this series inside Hell in a Cell! Natalya defended the Women's title against Naomi in a decent match. Natalya took advantage of Naomi being distracted by Carmella and James Ellsworth at ringside to get the win. Dolph Ziggler did some more mock entrances like he did last week which once again was mildly amusing. Word is this will lead to a match with Bobby Roode so hopefully that will start next week. Benjamin & Gable got a fairly easy win over the Hype Bros with a really cool Powerbomb/Doomsday Device finisher. After the match Rawley shook hands with Gable & Benjamin but Ryder left. Looks like they are teasing the heel turn again! MAIN EVENT SEGMENT TIME! Vince McMahon made his return to Smackdown to address Kevin Owens. Vince told Owens that if he tried to sue WWE he would fire him and Owens would end up bankrupt. Vince said he suspended Shane because he didn't finish the job and went into vivid detail about what he wish Shane had done to Owens. Vince announced Shane would return to face Kevin Owens inside Hell in a Cell at the PPV. Owens said he would agree to the match if he would be allowed to beat a McMahon senseless. Vince gave his word, they shook hands and then Owens shockingly headbutts Vince! Vince is bleeding as Owens reminds him he gave his word. Owens gets some kicks in on Vince and then a superkick while refs try to stop him. Owens finishes up with a Frog splash as doctors come in to check on Vince. Brilliant segment. This feud as escalated rapidly and I have a really good feeling about the Owens & Shane match at Hell in a Cell!

The second live show of Tuesday Night in Vegas was the line final of the Mae Young Classic. They gave this a real big fight feel with the promos before hand and with the lights going down for an epic introduction from Lillian Garcia making a special appearance. I do believe this was the right two women for the final as they were the two best booked women in the tournament. Shayna Bazler was booked as the dominant cocky heel while Kari Sane was the perfect fan favourite with great fighting spirit. They had a really good back and forth match with both women selling extremely well. Shayna was working Kari's elbow while Shayna was selling her ribs after a vicious sudden spear which Kari then worked over. Like with the previous matches we had a great sequence to set up Bazler getting her opponent in the Rear Naked Choke. Kari looks like she's fading but flighted out with elbows to the ribs. The crowd was really into it as Sane kept going for her amazing Diving Elbow drop but Bazler kept preventing it. Finally Sane manages to hit the Elbow and got the win! After the match the two embrace showing each other respect and after replays we got the trophy presentation with Triple H, Stephanie McMahon and Sara Amato. I think Sane was the right person to win and she will now go on the compete for the vacant NXT Women's Tittle at the next Takeover. I hope we haven't seen the last Shayna Bazler in WWE and hopefully it will be in the heavily teased Horsewomen tag match!!

The Final Live show in Las Vegas began with the rubber match in the recent rivalry between Rich Swann and TJP. It was the kind of fast paced back and forth action you would expect between these two but in the end Swann got the win with the Phoenix Splash. After the match TJP reluctantly shook Swann's hand. Drew Gulak came out to request a rematch with Akira Tozawa but was instead interrupted by Breezango from Smackdown! They informed Gulak they had received several complaints about Gulak's attire and his nickname 'Captain Underpants'. Gulak tried to escape but was apprehended by the Fashion Police and they took him away in fluffy handcuffs. Funny stuff! MAIN EVENT TIME! Cedric Alexander took on The Brian Kendrick after Kendrick had suggested that 
Alexander didn't have what it take to compete at the highest level. After a back and forth sequence the music of Gentleman Jack Gallagher hits and he comes out and surprises everyone by attacking Cedric instead of Kendrick. Gallagher offers his hand to Kendrick to forge this surprising new alliance.

NXT began with The Iconic Duo taking on Ruby Riot who doesn't have a partner at the start of the match. Royce & Kay are dominating Riot until Nikki Cross saunters down to ringside the way she does. Riot escapes the double team and makes it into her corner as Cross jumps up on the apron and tags herself in. Ruby looks stunned as Cross goes to town on Kay & Royce. Cross hits her fisherman neckbreaker on Kay then tags Riot back in and hits a Senton Splash for the win. I like these four women so I enjoy it alot! Johnny Gargano defeats Riddick Moss in a decent match. Moss made it to the ropes while he was in the Gargano Escape which shocked Gargano to his core. Gargano gets the win with his slingshot spear instead. The entertaining team The Street Profits defeated The Ealy Brothers in a fun match. The crowd is really into The Street Profits which is good for their NXT careers. MAIN EVENT TIME! WWE UK Champion Pete Dunne defended his title against Wolfgang in a good match with some great action as the UK guys usually do. Still hoping they get their own show soon! After the match they are attacked by Adam Cole, Bobby Fish & Kyle O'Reily. Dunne manages to escape and chooses to go back for his title rather than help Wolfgang. They beat down Wolfgang some more before leaving and Tyler Bate & Trent Severn come out to check on Wolfgang to end the show. The trio is now known as Undisputed and I like the fact the are attacking whoever and giving the impression like no one is safe!

And that was This Week in the WWE Universe! Overall I thought it was a really strong week and look forward to the continued build towards the next big events. What did you guys think? Let me know in the comments! Thank you all for reading!


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