
Showing posts from July, 2017

This Week in The Universe #7

With Battleground now in the books both RAW and Smackdown are now in full swing on the road to SummerSlam widely regarded as the second biggest event of the year in WWE. Here are my thoughts on the weeks events! The opening segment was very enjoyable starting with Kurt Angle reminding us that is son is Jason Jordan. Then all talk switched to SummerSlam and the Universal title match as Braun Strowman, Samoa Joe & Roman Reigns all made their cases. Angle made the decision that all three men will get to face Brock Lesnar in a Fatal Four Way match. NICE! The segment ended with the three men getting into a brawl eventually being broken up by roster members. They will do battle next week should be very interesting to see who wins that! Finn Balor Vs Elias Samson in a no DQ match was really good and in my opinion Elias's best match to date. Samson got the win after Bray Wyatt interfered giving Balor the Sister Abigail. I think we can pencil in Balor Vs Wyatt for SummerSlam.


BELL2BELL WRESTLING REVIEW: WWE BATTLEGROUND 2017 Announcers: Tom Phillips, JBL & Byron Saxton Location: Philadelphia, PN Venue: Wells Fargo Center Show kicks off with The New Day challenging The Usos for the Smackdown tag team titles. Kofi & Xavier instead of Big E for this match and it starts at a very fast pace. Crowd is hot for New Day but there is some notable duelling chants for Usos. Xavier takes alot of double team moves until he gets back into it with a flying drop kick. Kofi tries a trust fall but is caught by The Usos and drops him with a powerbomb on the outside. Xavier does some cool looking flippy move that I have no idea what is called! Xavier takes a lifting Samoan drop but kicks out. And then when trying to fly he eats a savage super kick but kicks out at last second! Kofi gets back into the match and he and Xavier hit a great double team move but only gets two. Kofi gets taken down with a super kick and a splash but again onl

This Week in The Universe #6

This week in WWE was an interesting one to say the least! No.1 contenders matches, a 2-out-of-3 falls match in the Cruiserweight division and a HUGE revelation that changes the course of 'The New Era' in WWE. Lets begin! The opening promo of Raw this week was really good. Some great character development from Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins as Rollins is continuing to try and mend fences with his former Shield Brother. The Miz and Miztourage attacked to beat down the faces setting up a 3-on-2 Handicap Match for next week. Should be interesting to see more character development. Bayley and Alexa Bliss had a solid match with interference from Sasha Banks and Nia Jax. Bayley got the win on Bliss setting up a match between Bayley and Banks next week to decide who faces Bliss for the title at SummerSlam. Another big match set up for next week! Mustafa Ali & Jack Gallagher Vs Brian Kendrick & Drew Gulak was short but put over Ali. Nice to see no purple ropes this week. En

Lucha Forever: Live and Let Dive Review

When I started this blog I always had the intention once I had gotten to a certain stage to cover other companies than WWE. And with this post I am going to start with a new up and coming promotion based in the UK known as Lucha Forever. Its no secret that the UK Wrestling scene has been growing massively over the past few years and starting to reach heights it hasn't seen since the original World of Sport years. Not only have promotions like PROGRESS, ICW, Rev:Pro and WCPW showcased the best talent from the UK but also the absolute best from around the world coming to these promotions to showcase their talents. More and more promotions have been forming around the UK and one of the latest to be really starting to grow based in Birmingham is Lucha Forever. I have heard a lot of buzz about this promotion on Twitter and this month they have started streaming their shows on the fantastic FITE TV app. I decided after all that I heard I would check out their first show on the app enti

This Week in the Universe #5

After an eventful week in WWE last week and a very entertaining Great Balls of Fire show, could the WWE keep the momentum going with SummerSlam and NXT Takeover: Brooklyn 3 on the horizon. RAW opened with Big Cass cutting a promo gloating about his victory over Enzo the previous night and made it known he was a future Universal champion. WEELLLLL Well Big Show came out and took some issues with Cass setting up the next feud where Show putting over young 'Big' talent like3 he did with Braun Strowman. Elias Samson is in the ring to sing a song about Finn Balor and he is predictably interrupted. They have a decent match next which made Samson look good and Balor looked strong in victory. The Hardy Boyz came out after the match congratulated Balor on his victory and then after the break cutting a promo HEAVILY teasing the broken gimmick coming to WWE. Luke Gallows & Karl Anderson interrupted setting up a match between the two which the good brothers won taking advantage of


BELL2BELL WRESTLING REVIEW: WWE GREAT BALLS OF FIRE 2017 Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves & Booker T Location: Dallas, TX Venue: American Airlines Center Bray Wyatt Vs Seth Rollins opens the show. Apparently Seth has had more PPV matches than anyone in the last 5 years. Considering Seth's injury that is quite a statistic! Seth's face is slammed into the steel steps allowing Bray to take control. Rollins takes a gnarly landing on his legs from a superplex. Rollins gets back into it and the crowd seems fully behind him. Great back and forth sequences with both men countering each other trying to hit signature moves. Bray shows disrespect to Seth slapping him in the face which made Seth go crazy! With the refs back turned trying to restrain a crazed Seth Bray pokes him in the eye and takes advantage with a Sister Abigail for the win. Good opening match I thought. Enzo Amore Vs Big Cass follows with a brilliant heart breaking promo package that di

This Week in the Universe #4

Following a historic week for Women's Wrestling in WWE, how would WWE follow this week? This week we had the Raw go-home show for Great Balls of Fire, The 4th July episodes of Smackdown and 205 live and anther big title main event on NXT. Lets take a look at the big talking points from this week in the WWE Universe! RAW this week was a fairly good show that did a great job of building up to this Sundays PPV something that WWE doesn't always do. Brock Lesnar and Samoa Joe continued to build towards their huge Universal title match with a split screen interview. Joe continued to show no fear seeking out Lesnar but was held back from attacking him. After dispatching of Apollo Crews and Titus O'Neil it looked like Braun Strowman was going to take them away in an ambulance until Roman Reigns appeared and they brawled. Roman speared Strowman off the ramp through some tables but both men got to their feet wetting everyones appetite for their Ambulance Match Sunday. We found o