WWE No Mercy 2017 Review
WWE No Mercy 2017 Announcers: Michael Cole, Corey Graves, Booker T & Vic Joseph Location: Los Angeles, CA Venue: The Staples Center A solid match to kick off the show with the 7-time Intercontinental champion The Miz defending against Jason Jordan. Miz had The Miztourage Bo Dalls & Curtis Axel with him at ringside who proved very useful to the champion. Crowd was hot for The Miz because he is billed as from LA these days. Dallas & Axel provided a distraction to help Miz get an early advantage working over Jordan's mid-section with the 'It' Kicks. Jordan manages to catch Miz charging at him in the corner and starts throwing him around with various suplexes. Jordan's hits his awesome looking multiple Northern Lights Suplexes but only gets 2. Jordan looks to be going for the finish but Dallas is on the turnbuckle. Jordan knocks him down and while the ref is distratced, Axel blasts Jordan and is met by a Skull Crushing Finale from The Miz for th...